Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Research Plan

Write up your research plan in terms of the following points.
Statement of purpose (what you hope to show/discover)
The intent of the proposed study is to learn how the basic movie elements, such as language, music, photography technology, and plot conflict cause the depression in psychological thriller.

Detailed statement of your research question
How is the basic movie element such as language, music, photography technology, and plot conflict work to cause depression emotion in psychological thriller?

List of the information you need to gather
The concept, cause and effect of the depression are effective. The basic knowledge of psychological movie, such as language usage, power of music, technology usage and plot conflict are necessary to be used in research.

A preliminary list of sources.  

primary sources (the texts you will examine)
“Black Swan” “The Sixth Sense” and “The butterfly effect” are three movies which will be used in my research.

secondary sources (what other people say about these texts)
Sian E Lewis mentions in A Search for Meaning: Making Sense of Depression.”that the conception of depression. Patton, Coffey and Posterino explain the main cause and consequence of depression is related with personal society environment.
Lukas Bleichenbacher claim in “Linguisism in Hollywood movies, Representation of, and audience reactions to multilinuiallsm in mainstream movie dialogues” the language usage in movie has magic function to make a dialogue. Whitaker Rod in “The language of film.”mentions that the language has ability to create image which will effects people’s memory.
Sacks Oliver supports the music has power to express image in his academic paper—“The power of Music”. Yu-Hao Chen, Jin-Hau Kuo Wei-Ta Chu and Jia-ling believe in “music is built up atmosphere.”that music in movie has power to effect audience mood.
. Ryotaro Suzuki, Yuichi Iwadate and Ryohei Nakatsu claims in Multimedia Montage—Counterpoint Synthesis of Movies argued the multimedia montage usage in photography is useful for creating new image. Maryanne Garry and Kimberley A.Wade support their opinion that image is important part in psychological thriller.
Ivan N, McCollom in “Psychological Thrillers” considers psychology is related with society reality.
McCollom’s theory, Mark Jancovich lists his idea in “Frighteningly real”:Realism social criticism and the psychological killer in the critical reception of the late 1940s horror-thrill what is psychological thriller and how it works in psychology. Jancovich mentions the relationship of reality and psychological thrill theme.

Plan for gathering your information that includes:
who/what you will be studying (for example:. students in a College Composition class, how they think about the comments teachers write on their papers)
students in a college
where you will collect your information (for example:. in interviews at Kean University)
interview at Kean University. collect information from llibrary
how many subjects you will study
three psychological thriller.
1)how is the basic element works in psychological thriller. 2) how the basic element cause the depression emotion
what methods you will use to conduct your study (for example:. interviews, textual analysis, discourse analysis)
interview, discourse analysis,

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